Gold Fever:The Sinister Side.
However for a long time now actually, I have observed what money and power can do. Now please I don't own mansions and cars. I do not have that kind power you get with wealth but certain things have stood out to me when looking at those with both.
Not everyone of course. I have been active on social media for over eight years now. I follow people who are extremely wealthy and I admire the kind of choices money allows them to make. These people have the choice to be who they want. For example, I follow a lady who travels all over the globe for fun. I follow another who quit her job and opened a business to be able to take care of her children. She takes them to school, picks them up, drops them off at play areas, and can go on vacations anytime without having to write to HR first. She was able to create that lifestyle for herself because she had the luxury of doing so. I follow men too. From the cars they drive, places they live, and even the people they associate with, these are people who get 'quality life experiences.'Money and power are different but money gives you power.
I love documentaries and I actually watched one last night. I watched The Guardian of the Monarchs which is a documentary about an environmental activist who was murdered because those in power wanted the land for agricultural uses but he wanted to preserve the beauty of a forest that has the most exquisite types of butterflies.
When money is at play, certain power dynamics come with it. In incidences where those in power mistreat those without, there are always themes of disregard and arrogance. A 'what will they do about it' type of attitude.
Money and power will never be enough. We have seen it in politics where people will kill others if they feel they are a barricade. It brings in the issues of materialism which at all times overrides empathy and people will do anything and everything to get more.
Money and power also amplify who you really are. We have seen instances of celebrities and even just normal everyday people changing for the worst where money and power are involved. If they start abusing and assaulting others that is who they are in my opinion and the power actually just brings that out in the open. The insecurities and need for control were always there, they now have the means to cushion them from consequences.
Now, not everyone with money and power becomes a monster. The two are not inherently evil. The two however augment the risk of being inhumane.
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