My Ying and Yang:Sibling Version.

I do not talk about my siblings a lot.

 And I should you know. They are not like me in so many ways. I do not like anyone talking about me so I kind of thought that applies to everyone, it turns out, it doesn't. My sister came into my life when I was 7 years old. I was a big girl and all I remember is coming home to a new baby. A small baby who had big eyes.

 The next day, all my friends knew that I had a sibling now. I can't remember much but I remember feeding her and we had to sieve pumpkins and green bananas when she started weaning. I remember it because I liked the food and mom would make sure she made a bit more, for me. I used to have boiled pumpkins and bananas with salt.

 Another memory I have is being sat in a class 6 lesson. I feared that teacher. She was so strict but we grew to be great friends. My sister then 4 walked in in the middle of my lesson and came straight to where I was. I was so shocked and at the back of my mind, I knew I would be punished for it. She told me'Wangari nataka penseli'

 Thank God my Science teacher was in a good mood. I gave her my pencil and she went back to her class. We attended the same school and most of my memories of her as a child were just us going to school every morning.


My sister is now 18 years old. A full-grown adult.A girl who has had the most transformations in my family. From a young age, she was very expressive and fearless. That has remained constant. I am not much of a talker, I am an observer. I however know my boundaries, I just like the quiet.


My sister on the other hand is the tackler. She will speak her mind, dress how she wants, listen to all types of music just be explorative in all spheres of her life.


Aren't you ever tired of staying indoors? Go outside and get some sun.


You are reading again?


You are listening to Whitney again? You don’t enjoy Arbantone?


You don't know how to have fun.


These are things I have heard since she was a teenager. I am a creature of habit. She on the other hand knows that there's so much more and especially OUTSIDE.


My brother came into our lives when I was 13. He was a well-behaved baby. Rarely cried. He was different. He was however a boy. Things in the house were not dolls and small cute bags. There were now cars and more cars. This boy started walking at 11 months. I told you, he was different.


At the time he was joining school, i was mostly in high school so I did not share much time with him, but he did with my sister. They are two peas in a pod. After high school, i worked in a cafe. I was a dishwasher, and waitress and the later became a cashier. My brother would come to the hotel. He used to come alone and as time went he came with a friend. Then two, three, four. And a lot of times i had to pay for the tea they would take. Looking back, he believed his elder sister was rich. He still does and am putting in the work. The goal is to make sure he never lacks because it's his belief and it is a belief i have of myself.


I also went to campus immediately after and again did not get as much time as I wanted to be around him. After college, we reunited. He would not leave the house most days. He would show me projects he has done in school, making Excels, typing, and drawing things. I made a point to introduce him to Canva because he is quite creative. He loved it.


He is now a teenager. He has changed. He is more like me. He does not like the huge crowds. He prefers to do things his way. My sister even says he likes me more because ‘you quiet people understand each other' He also spends a lot of time with my dad. My brother will educate you about rabbits, and cat characteristics, he will out a sick chicken and he knows different types of cars too.


Seeing my siblings grow has healed me in so many ways. I don't think they have any idea. We have all experienced life extremely differently. We have also experienced our parents differently and that is something I acknowledge. Despite it all, we complete each other in so many ways. At a function, I will get the food, my sister will complain if there is a disservice and order for drinks and my brother will make sure the plates are taken away.

We are still growing and life has seasons.One thing i wish for is to close to them through all seasons.


See, ying to my yang!


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